
Teemu H El P Manuel
Cornel Aleksi T Vijith Eero R Lisette Tomas G Manisha Kiran
Markku U Pasi P Saku M German Arja H Najibeh Mikko L Kaisa Rafaela D Yedil D Evelina C Alexey L Anna Cyril Jakub Alejandro Alejandro A Olga Bikash Viacheslav V Pia K Fariborz Ilia Parveen Tahseen Jussi H Jorge C Kirsi A Johnson Erdem Ö Ilia G Eclair Aysu Lisette V Ahmad M



Hello MO Team.
I’ll skip this Tuesday as I felt yesterday and jotted my head. I prefer to wait a week. Thanks for understanding!


Best recovery and watch out slippery ice everyone!
More players tomorrow welcome! Thanks!


Me and Kiran are dropping today's event, as there are not enough participants.


Why did you drop out?
We were waiting for you at the school. Even four players is enough to have a game with smaller play field. But no game as there was only three of us...


Hi yes we have been having less players than expected so Min 4 players can already practice with smaller area. Hopefully next week we are close to 8 or 10 at least...!
Welcome next Tuesday 13th Feb and remember there is no practice on Winter school Holiday / Talviloma week (20th feb).

Kommentoi tapahtumaa: Kirjaudu jäsensivuille tai liity joukkueeseen.

Avoin ilmoittautuminen vieraileville pelaajille


Pelaaja 2 8
Valmentaja 0 0
Yhteyshenkilö 1 0
Joukkueen ulkopuoliset 0
Yhteensä In 3 Out 8
Edellinen / Seuraava In Out
Harkka Ti 23.1. klo 17:00 5 2
Harkka Ti 30.1. klo 17:00 8 4
Harkka Ti 6.2. klo 17:00 3 8
Harkka Ti 13.2. klo 17:00 5 4
Harkka Ti 27.2. klo 17:00 6 5

Näytä kaikki tapahtumat